This project consists of an investigation and research the work and legacy of the 70’s German fashion photographer Chris Von Wangenheim who moved to The USA and had a short but outstanding career, He left a now iconic, bold and polemic body of work, that represents the opulent and nihilist mind set of the 70’s jet set, Studio 54, fashion and disco community in New York. In his work he explored sex, violence and danger. Setting trends and creating a school for future generations of image makers.
There are many parallels and several meeting points in Wangenheim’s (Studio 54) world with today’s Berlin (queer) party scene. Both like an actual reflection of the character of this two big cities (New York and Berlin) that I am representing through my artwork production in my latest ongoing project consisting of a series of large, medium and small oilpaintings influenced by the aesthetics, atmosphere and work Chris Von Wangenheim
Schwarzer Hund mit rosarotem Hintergrund.
Oil on linen. 130 x 130cm
Biss-Serie II
Oil on linen. 55 x 47cm
Biss-Serie I
Dobermann mit Frau in Kleid.
Oil on linen. 80 x 58cm
Biss-Serie III
Oil on linen. 45 x 54cm
Pferd mit Frau,
Oil on linen.
120 x 200cm
Biss-Serie IV
Oil on linen. 41 x 35 cm
G.J. Interview Magazine 1977
Oil on linen.
100 x 100 cm
"No one gets the prize"
Oil on linen.
133 x 200 cm
no title
Oil on linen.
65 x 52 cm
no title
Oil on linen.
65 x 52 cm
no title
Oil on linen.
65 x 52 cm
Klaus Nomi in Rot
50 x 40cm
47 x 52cm
Klaus Nomi in Rot
50 x 40cm